Hello world!
My name is

Jhonny Martinez.I craft software solutions.

As a Software Engineer, I'm passionate about creating unique products and digital experiences that solve real-world problems. I'm starting my journey at Sitemate as a Fullstack Engineer, building a SaaS platform with instant & affordable no-code integrations and automation.

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About me

My name is Jhonny Martinez and I'm passionate about creating software. My first approach to coding was back in high school, when I had to develop a website, I enjoyed that a lot and ended up doing the homework for all my classmates.

I am passionate about building excellent software that improves the lives of those around me. I specialize in creating software for clients ranging from individuals and small-businesses all the way to large enterprise corporations.

Currently, being part of an amazing company, learning Rust programming language, building my online presence and looking to contribute in open source projects.

Here is my main tech stack:

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Angular
  • NodeJS
  • NextJS
A picture of me

Professional experience

Fullstack Engineer@ Sitemate

June 2023 - Present

  • Responsible for the development of third party API integrations.
  • Deliver high quality production code to arrange the company’s needs.
  • Collaborate with product managers and designers to create seamless no-code experiences for company’s users.

Featured projects

Website platform

Wholesale E-commerce

  • React
  • MaterialUI
  • NodeJS
  • Firebase
Featured project

After spend a few weeks learning from a manufacturing business inside their warehouse I proposed and co-created a wholesale e-commerce platforms.



    • React
    • TailwindCSS
    • NextJS
    • CMS
    Featured project

    This is the first iteration of my personal website. Here I will post about my experience, future projects and articles about tech.

    IoT System + Mobile App


    • Arduino
    • Angular
    • Ionic
    • NodeJS
    Featured project

    An IoT project that transforms the Tamagotchi concept into a real experience. You can add your personal plant to the app and check its water level, sun light level and customize its appearance.

    Other Projects


    A very simple implementation of the basic functionality of the grep command-line tool using Rust.

    • Rust

    Bingo Game

    A bingo game that you can play with your friends.

    • React
    • TailwindCSS
    • Vite
    • AWS

    Contact me

    Feel free to get in touch anytime, send me an email or message me through social media. I’m keen to answer a question or if you just want to say hello. I’ll reply as soon as I can.

    Say hi 👋